Regal JP North Finchley Ltd is excited to invite residents in North Finchley to attend an information evening in relation to the future of the Lodge Lane Car Park site.

This follows comprehensive engagement with residents on the wider principles of the North Finchley Master Plan in February and October last year. Since having last discussed the plans with residents, Regal JP North Finchley Ltd, in partnership with the London Borough of Barnet, has been exploring options to improve the selection of town centre uses in North Finchley.

As part of this work, we are pleased to share our ideas and discuss the role of Lodge Lane Car Park in creating new facilities for North Finchley.

The information evenings will focus on the future of the Lodge Lane Car Park. Further consultations will be held to discuss the wider Master Plan for North Finchley in the coming months.

Join the conversation! On the 10th & 11th October 2023

You can join one of our information evenings or read our plans after the events when we publish them on our community website. Capacity at each event is limited to 50 people and spaces will be reserved on a first come, first served basis. Both events will be hosted at the artsdepot and run from 7.00pm – 9.00pm.

Details can be found by following the links below: