Lodge Lane EIA Screening Opinion 

Regal JP North Finchley Ltd have submitted an Environmental Impact Assessment (‘EIA’) Screening Opinion request to the London Borough of Barnet in relation to the redevelopment of the Lodge Lane Car Park Site.

‘Screening’ is a procedure used to determine whether a proposed development is likely to have significant effects on the environment and as such would require an EIA to assess these effects. The Screening Opinion request outlines that the proposals do not meet the criteria set out in the EIA Regulations and therefore an EIA is not considered to be required. Instead, potential environmental effects will be fully assessed through standalone reports that will accompany the detailed planning application.

North Finchley Town Centre Masterplan EIA Scoping Opinion

In addition, a Scoping Report will be imminently submitted to the London Borough of Barnet to request an EIA Scoping Opinion on the North Finchley Town Centre masterplan. The proposals fall within the criteria set out in the EIA Regulations and so an EIA will be submitted with the outline planning application. The report sets out the proposed scope of the EIA. As part of this there are some assumed development parameters including: 13,000 sqm of flexible commercial uses, 1,100 new residential homes, as well as associated car and cycle parking, servicing, landscaping, public realm, and highway improvements.

The Scoping Report identifies which topics are proposed to be ‘Scoped In’ to the assessment, undertake detailed analysis of the impact of the proposals both within the site and to the local surrounding area, and identify any required mitigation measures. As the design development process progresses, detailed EIA analysis will begin to be undertaken based on these identified topics and inform the proposals to help minimise impact.

Both the EIA Screening Opinion and EIA Scoping Opinion requests will be available on the London Borough of Barnet’s website on the planning applications page. These requests are not planning applications but procedural matters that need to be carried out before the planning applications come forward.